by Adam Pond

“If your life were a cocktail, what would it be called?” I ask Mark, reading from a coaster, while we are sitting in The Hope and Anchor, the non-alcoholic bar run by the Methodist church at Greenbelt Festival.

“Rollercoaster,” he responds, as we both laugh.

A rollercoaster is defined by the Cambridge Academic Content Dictionary as “a small railroad, esp. in an amusement park, with open cars that travel quickly along a steep, curved track that goes up and down over and over.” It also lists a separate definition: “A roller coaster is also a feeling, situation, or experience that changes very quickly: an emotional roller coaster.”

My journey to Greenbelt with Mark has indeed been a rollercoaster of emotions and experiences. As a support assistant at L’Arche, I’ve had the privilege of accompanying Mark to this vibrant festival of arts and faith. It was a journey filled with ups and downs, twists and turns, and moments of pure joy and reflection.

The highlight of one afternoon was undoubtedly Duke Special’s performance. The energy in the air was infectious, and Mark
smiled as he embraced the music, reminding us all of the pure joy that comes from letting loose. Returning to our campsite, we were greeted by familiar faces and new friends, Roger, Tosin and Carol had come to Greenbelt as well. It was heart-warming to see Mark reconnect with his friends, who he had been to Greenbelt with previously.

We traverse the rollercoaster that is life, exulting in its breathtaking moments, taking time to reflect on its various challenges, and cherishing the connections that enrich us. - Adam, Mark's Support Assistant

The final day at Greenbelt began with a visit to the Communion service. Surrounded by a diverse group of people from various walks of life, Mark felt an immediate sense of belonging. The atmosphere was one of acceptance and love, and Mark’s smile radiated as he shared this spiritual experience with so many others. We took part in singing with Carol, as did what felt like every attendee of the festival, it was the busiest I had seen it. Next stop, The Mocha Place, where we indulged in chocolately coffee. These simple pleasures brought warmth and contentment to our day.

As the festival drew to a close, we boarded the train back home. Mark sat by the window, gazing at the passing landscape. The rollercoaster was coming to an end, and I couldn’t help but reflect on the whirlwind of emotions we’d experienced over the past few days. 

Greenbelt had been a place of connection, celebration, and belonging. As I looked at Mark smiling as he looked out the window, I realised that his life, like a rollercoaster, had its ups and downs, but it was a beautiful journey filled with moments of joy and connection. 

Going to Greenbelt with Mark had been an incredible adventure, and I felt grateful to have shared it with him. In shared experiences like Greenbelt, we realise a profound truth, our lives are not solitary but rather interconnected narratives, interwoven with the narratives of those who journey alongside us. We traverse the rollercoaster that is life, exulting in its breathtaking moments, taking time to reflect on its various challenges, and cherishing the connections that enrich us.