The four key elements of a L’Arche Community are service, community, spirituality and outreach. We also have a Charter with the Identity and Mission statement, which say what L’Arche is across 37 countries worldwide.  

But we wanted to be more specific about what we want for L’Arche here and now. After lots of talking and listening to each other, these are the vision and values of L’Arche in the UK as part of our vision for 2030 

Our Vision 

L’Arche is here to show that everyone belongs. 

  • We create Communities where people with and without learning disabilities live, share and grow together.
  • We build relationships with people in our neighbourhoods.
  • We work towards a world where people with learning disabilities are included and valued. 

Our Values 

With and without learning disabilities, we try to:

  • be welcoming and kind
  • be committed to each other
  • bring out the best in each other
  • celebrate being different and diverse
  • encourage one another’s spirituality. 

Learn more about where these vision and values came from, and what we learned through creating them.