
On Friday 3rd December, Chief Nurse Professor Deborah Sturdy presented Sonja Jones with an Adult Social Care Award for Excellence, after she led a L'Arche UK team to design a new Assistant Induction programme.

Watch the video below to see why L'Arche is leading the way on social care induction.

“This video demonstrates the need to support people when they come into such important jobs… How we prepare and support people is critical. One of the things going through my mind when I was watching it, is how inviting it would be to come and work for an organisation like yours, because the warmth of the people that work there really exudes through that piece of film.”
Professor Deborah Sturdy

The award was created by Chief Nurse Professor Sturdy, in order to celebrate success in the Adult Social Care workforce. The Assistant Induction team received the award after their nomination was rigorously examined by Professor Sturdy and a panel of health and social care experts.

Sonja Jones, the Community Leader of L’Arche Bognor Regis, who has worked in health and social care for 34 years, said:

“I was really taken by the decision to recognise us in this way. It’s not my award: there were 90 people involved in this process. The joy of it for me is the co-production.”