Every L’Arche Community is a living testimony to the importance of each individual person on this planet - Julia, mother of a member of L'Arche with a learning disability
Too often, people with learning disabilities and social care are seen as a burden on the budget, as problems to be solved. In L’Arche, we see things differently. We see people to celebrate. We see the positive social impact of people with learning disabilities for the world we want to create.
Our world is so often busy and disconnected. In L’Arche we see how people with learning disabilities help everyone make space for community and spiritual life.
Our world is so often focused on status and achievement. In L’Arche, people with learning disabilities help us appreciate that ordinary everyday life is full of extraordinary wonder.
People in our world often feel bored and lonely. Our world in L'Arche is real, rowdy and relational, a world where people look out for each other and everyone belongs.
We are proud in L’Arche to have been creating a different world for 50 years. Discover some of the stories, numbers and highlights from last year in our latest Impact Report. And watch people from our Communities discuss why L’Arche matters to them in the video below.
Learn about the difference L'Arche made over the past year in our latest impact report Read more
Discover the countless stories of lives changed in L'Arche Read more
Help transform the lives of people with and without learning disabilities living in Britain today by making a donation to L'Arche Read more