L'Arche was founded in France by Jean Vanier in 1964. During his lifetime, Jean Vanier was regarded as a living saint. After his death, allegations of control and abuse were made upheld by an independent investigation and a Study Commission. L'Arche has committed to uncovering the facts, sharing them openly and transparently, and learning lessons for us and the world. Find out more by reading the Study Commission report.  

L'Arche Study Commission Report

The findings of the L'Arche Study Commission have been widely reported in the press and media worldwide. The links below offer a selection of reportage and public interventions from members of L’Arche with and without learning disabilities:


  • BBC Radio 4 Sunday programme (5 February 2023) 
    Emily Buchanan interviews Claire Vincent-Mory from the Study Commission, along with John Casson, Hazel Bradley and Richard Keagan-Bull from L’Arche in the UK. 
  • The ‘living saint’ who hid a mystical sex sect (3 June 2023)
    Heart and Soul episode on BBC World Service, presented by Catherine Murray, on how members of L’Arche are trying to heal following the Study Commission findings. The programme was downloaded more than 50,000 times in the weeks following its broadcast. 



  • Power, Liberation, Betrayal: L’Arche after Jean Vanier (Greenbelt Festival, 2023)
    How do you rage, grieve, and find something more beautiful than before? Hosted by Lucy Winkett, members of L’Arche share stories and practices from their life together after the exposure of Jean Vanier.

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