We are an intentional Community made up of people with and without learning disabilities. But at the heart of what we do is providing support for adults with learning disabilities. We believe that being a good Community is only possible if we are also a great service provider.

Over the last 10 years we have worked with 3 different local authorities as well as NHS Continuing Healthcare. The people we support have wide ranging support needs and we pride ourselves on a person-centred approach. We work closely with other professionals, including Speech and Language Therapy, Psychology services, Occupational Therapy, Neurology services to name but a few. We’re currently rated as ‘Outstanding’ with CQC.

Our support is provided in two ways. We support 16 people across 6 homes in our supported living services. These range from a single flat to a shared houses made up of people with learning disabilities and our Live In Assistants. Two of our houses offer specialist ground floor accommodation, including tracking and hoisting.

We also run a small Day Service, open Monday to Wednesday which is open to people with disabilities living in or outside L’Arche, and we work with individuals to access employment and voluntary opportunities. As part of that Day Service we offer a variety of artistic and craft activities, a horticulture programme, baking and cooking and we run a small Community café where attendees can learn skills around hospitality and money management.

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