Could you take on a 5k, 10k, half marathon, full marathon, or even an ultra-marathon in the name of L’Arche?

If so, let us help you!

Step 1: Visit this website to find your local race.

Step 2: Secure your place

Step 3: Set up your Enthuse fundraising page or email us at [email protected] to let us know about your fundraiser.

Step 4: Start fundraising and enjoy your training! We’re here to support you every step of the way.

What you’ll receive from L’Arche:

  • Fundraising pack
  • Free branded sports vest

If you have any questions or there’s anything else we can help you with, don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Set up your fundraising page

Fundraising pack

Every gift you raise helps L'Arche

£10 could fund an hour of one of our local initiatives like a community café or creative workshop

£25 could fund a community party, celebrating the gifts of someone with a learning disability

£100 could mean a person with a learning disability has the support to continue going out and enjoy hobbies

See how we’re investing your money in L’Arche – click here.

Have a question about this event?

Contact us:

[email protected]

0161 438 2832

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